Tuesday, January 19

oooooh!! yo keeeerrrroooooooooo tanto!! look at these gorgeous things! ai que lindaa, me gusto mucho NENA. i've decided that i'm going to learn French, the language. i just watched inglorious bastards and the cinema owner in the movie is just... idolizing! i want to sound like her when i speak french; THEREFORE, i will learn it! i can already speak Spanish, why not keep going right?

images from oh! nena


  1. Ayesha! Aw yey, more WSD bloggers :)

    I stumbled upon Oh Nena myself the other day. I LOVE the website design. Frankie fan by chance?

    Hope you're having a wicked summer!

  2. What cute pictures! And YES YES YES for learning French! I so regret that I didn't try harder in school. 8 years and nothing! Good luck to you.
